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Microtasking reports

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Microtasking reports are the website content in a downloadable, printable document format (PDF). The links open in your browser and the download button adds a reduced PDF format document to your files.

The microtasking report includes blogposts (points of view), e-book (insights), project report (methods), and scenarios. There is also a PDF version of the microwork library of ~100 resources.

Read, download and print

The full microtasking report and each section are available below as reduced size PDFs.

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Author : Cheryl May

<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer">Cheryl May</a> is a specialist in strategy, innovation design, and foresight. Her primary research focus is on <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer"> social purpose organizations. </a>She is currently working on a PhD with London South Bank University.