The City of Toronto commends the Toronto Workforce Innovation Group (TWIG) for its focus on ensuring that the future of work in the city is made up of good, sustainable, inclusive employment; especially its emphasis on a prosperous future where residents are able to contribute their skills, education and talent.
TWIG is a key participant in the future of work conversation, and the exploration of microwork in the labour market interests the City of Toronto.
Over the past few years, inclusive economic development was an emerging theme across a number of City of Toronto divisions. To be prosperous and sustainable in a globalized economy, the City of Toronto must succeed on a number of fronts. Examples include affordable housing, accessible public transit and full-time, well-paying jobs.
The Economic Development & Culture Divisional Strategy 2018-2022 establishes goals, which support Toronto’s business and culture sectors. It also ensures that all Torontonians can benefit from a vibrant economy. The two most important goals of the strategy are “Inclusion and Equity” and “Talent and Innovation”. Both goals support the creation of good jobs in Toronto.
Toronto’s success decades from now will be measured on how we worked with our partners. Achieving our vision and carrying out our mission requires the City of Toronto to work with residents, other governments and institutions, the private and not-for-profit sectors, and Indigenous peoples. Addressing many of the challenges facing Toronto – such as gun violence, a shrinking middle class, regional transit, and precarious employment – will require us to work collaboratively.
– City of Toronto, Corporate Strategic Plan
In a recent meeting, over 150 GTA-based policy development professionals created policies which align with the new Corporate Strategic Plan.
Equity and inclusion principles cut across all our programs and services, including economic development. One example of such a program is the Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ICIE), a federal government-funded program.
The future of work will look different than it does today. The City of Toronto is collaborating with our partners – including TWIG. This will ensure that jobs in the future are sustainable and all residents have the opportunity to benefit from Toronto’s economic success.
Posted by Economic Development & Culture, the City of Toronto
The 2018 Toronto Employment Survey is summarized in a bulletin that presents a picture of Toronto’s economy based on annual citywide surveys of businesses. More about the Toronto Employment Survey.